FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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Choco.ChocoPackParams Type

The choco pack parameter type.

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: AdditionalArgs

Field type: string

A character string containing additional arguments to give to choco.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Authors

Field type: string list

Authors of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: BugTrackerUrl

Field type: string

Url pointing to the location where issues and tickets can be accessed. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Checksum

Field type: string

The checksum hash value of the PackageDownloadUrl resource This allows a checksum to be validated for files that are not local. The checksum type is covered by ChecksumType. Equivalent to the --checksum option of Install-Chocolatey[Zip]Package functions. Used to create chocolateyInstall.ps1 if it doesn't exists.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Checksum64

Field type: string

The checksum hash value of the PackageDownload64Url resource This allows a checksum to be validated for files that are not local. The checksum type is covered by ChecksumType64. Equivalent to the --checksum option of Install-Chocolatey[Zip]Package functions. Used to create chocolateyInstall.ps1 if it doesn't exists.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Checksum64Type

Field type: ChocolateyChecksumType

The type of checksum that the file is validated with. Default: Sha256 Used to create chocolateyInstall.ps1 if it doesn't exists.

Field type: ChocolateyChecksumType


Full Usage: ChecksumType

Field type: ChocolateyChecksumType

The type of checksum that the file is validated with. Default: Sha256 Used to create chocolateyInstall.ps1 if it doesn't exists.

Field type: ChocolateyChecksumType


Full Usage: Copyright

Field type: string

Copyright of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Dependencies

Field type: NugetDependencies

Dependencies of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: NugetDependencies


Full Usage: DependenciesByFramework

Field type: NugetFrameworkDependencies list

Dependencies by framework of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: NugetFrameworkDependencies list


Full Usage: Description

Field type: string

Description of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: DevelopmentDependency

Field type: bool

Boolean specifying whether the package will be marked as a development-only dependency. Default: false. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: bool


Full Usage: DocsUrl

Field type: string

Url pointing to the location of the wiki or docs of the software. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Files

Field type: (string * string option * string option) list

Files of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: (string * string option * string option) list


Full Usage: FrameworkAssemblies

Field type: NugetFrameworkAssemblyReferences list

Framework assemblies of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: NugetFrameworkAssemblyReferences list


Full Usage: IconUrl

Field type: string

Url to the icon of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: InstallerType

Field type: ChocolateyInstallerType

Installer type. Default: Zip. Used to create chocolateyInstall.ps1 and/or chocolateyUninstall.ps1 if it doesn't exists.

Field type: ChocolateyInstallerType


Full Usage: LicenseUrl

Field type: string

Url to the license of the software. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: MailingListUrl

Field type: string

Url pointing to the forum or email list group for the software. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: NonInteractive

Field type: bool

Do not prompt for user input or confirmations. Default true. Equivalent to the -y option.

Field type: bool


Full Usage: OutputDir

Field type: string

Output directory for the files (nuspec, chocolateyInstall.ps1 and chocolateyUninstall.ps1) creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Owners

Field type: string list

Owners of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: PackageDownload64Url

Field type: string

Url pointing to the installer (exe, msi, zip) of the 64 bits version of the package. Used to create chocolateyInstall.ps1 if it doesn't exists.

Field type: string


Full Usage: PackageDownloadUrl

Field type: string

Url pointing to the installer (exe, msi, zip) of the package. Used to create chocolateyInstall.ps1 if it doesn't exists.

Field type: string


Full Usage: PackageId

Field type: string

Id of the package. Should be lowercase, not contains weird chars and use dash (-) instead of spaces. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: PackageSourceUrl

Field type: string

Url to the chocolatey package repository, not the software (unless they are the same). Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: ProjectSourceUrl

Field type: string

Url pointing to the location of the underlying software source. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: ProjectUrl

Field type: string

Url to the software. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: References

Field type: NugetReferences

References of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: NugetReferences


Full Usage: ReferencesByFramework

Field type: NugetFrameworkReferences list

References by framework of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: NugetFrameworkReferences list


Full Usage: ReleaseNotes

Field type: string

Release notes of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: RequireLicenseAcceptance

Field type: bool

True if the software needs license acceptance. Default: false. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: bool


Full Usage: SilentArgs

Field type: string

Silent args for the installer. Used to create chocolateyInstall.ps1 and/or chocolateyUninstall.ps1 if it doesn't exists.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Summary

Field type: string

Summary of the package. Used for the nuspec, chocolateyInstall.ps1 and chocolateyUninstall.ps1 creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Tags

Field type: string list

Tags of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: Timeout

Field type: TimeSpan

The choco execution timeout.

Field type: TimeSpan


Full Usage: Title

Field type: string

Title of the package. Used for the nuspec creation.

Field type: string


Full Usage: ToolPath

Field type: string

The location of the choco executable. Automatically found if null or empty.

Field type: string


Full Usage: UninstallPath

Field type: string

Either: - For zip: the zip filename originally installed - For exe or msi: the full path to the native uninstaller to run

Field type: string


Full Usage: UnzipLocation

Field type: string

Unzip location for zip package. Default: Chocolatey install folder. Used to create chocolateyInstall.ps1 if it doesn't exists.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Version

Field type: string

The version you would like to insert into the package. Equivalent to the --version option.

Field type: string