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SignTool.CertificateFromStore Type

Specifies parameters to use when using a certificate from a certificate store.

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: AutomaticallySelectCertificate

Field type: bool option

Selects the best signing certificate automatically. If this option is not present, SignTool expects to find only one valid signing certificate. (signtool option: /a)

Field type: bool option


Full Usage: Hash

Field type: string option

Specifies the SHA1 hash of the signing certificate. When viewing a certificate, this is the value of the Thumbprint field. (signtool option: /sha1 Hash)

Field type: string option


Full Usage: IssuerName

Field type: string option

Specifies the name of the issuer of the signing certificate. This value can be a substring of the entire issuer name. (signtool option: /i IssuerName)

Field type: string option


Full Usage: RootSubjectName

Field type: string option

Specifies the name of the subject of the root certificate that the signing certificate must chain to. This value can be a substring of the entire subject name of the root certificate. (signtool option: /r RootSubjectName)

Field type: string option


Full Usage: StoreName

Field type: string option

Specifies the store to open when searching for the certificate. If this option is not specified, the My store is opened. If the store does not exist, signtool will wail with a "File not found" error. (signtool option: /s StoreName)

Field type: string option


Full Usage: SubjectName

Field type: string option

Specifies the name of the subject of the signing certificate. This value can be a substring of the entire subject name. (signtool option: /n SubjectName)

Field type: string option


Full Usage: UseComputerStore

Field type: bool option

Specifies that a computer store, instead of a user store, be used. Accessing the computer store requires admin rights. If the process does not have admin rights, no certificates will be found. (signtool option: /sm)

Field type: bool option

Static members

Static member Description


Full Usage: CertificateFromStore.Create()

Returns: CertificateFromStore

Options default values.

Returns: CertificateFromStore