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SignTool.CertificateFromFile Type

Specifies parameters to use when using a certificate from a file.

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: CspName

Field type: string option

Specifies the cryptographic service provider (CSP) that contains the private key container. (signtool option: /csp CSPName)

Field type: string option


Full Usage: Password

Field type: string option

Specifies the password to use when opening a PFX file. A PFX file can be specified by using the /f option. (signtool option: /p Password)

Field type: string option


Full Usage: Path

Field type: string

Specifies the signing certificate in a file. Only the Personal Information Exchange (PFX) file format is supported. If the file is in PFX format protected by a password, use the /p option to specify the password. If the file does not contain private keys, use the /csp and /k options to specify the CSP and private key container name, respectively. (signtool option: /f SignCertFile)

Field type: string


Full Usage: PrivateKeyKey

Field type: string option

Specifies the key that contains the name of the private key. (signtool option: /kc Name)

Field type: string option

Static members

Static member Description


Full Usage: CertificateFromFile.Create(path)

    path : string

Returns: CertificateFromFile

Options default values.

path : string
Returns: CertificateFromFile