FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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OpenCoverParams Type

OpenCover parameters, for more details see console application usage.

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: ExcludeByAttribute

Field type: string list

Exclude a class or method by filter(s) that match attributes that have been applied. An * can be used as a wildcard.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: ExcludeByFile

Field type: string list

Exclude a class (or methods) by filter(s) that match the filenames. An * can be used as a wildcard.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: ExcludeDirs

Field type: string list

Assemblies being loaded from these locations will be ignored.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: ExePath

Field type: string

(Required) Path to the OpenCover console application

Field type: string


Full Usage: Filter

Field type: string

A list of filters to apply to selectively include or exclude assemblies and classes from coverage results.

Field type: string


Full Usage: HideSkipped

Field type: HideSkippedType list

Remove information from output file that relates to classes/modules that have been skipped (filtered) due to the use of the parameters ExcludeBy*, Filter or where the PDB is missing.

Field type: HideSkippedType list


Full Usage: MergeByHash

Field type: bool

This option is used to merge the coverage results for an assembly regardless of where it was loaded assuming the assembly has the same file-hash in each location.

Field type: bool


Full Usage: MergeOutput

Field type: bool

Allow to merge the results with an existing file (specified by Output parameter). So the coverage from the output file will be loaded first (if exists).

Field type: bool


Full Usage: OptionalArguments

Field type: string

This options is used to add additional optional arguments, could be something like -returntargetcode

Field type: string


Full Usage: Output

Field type: string

The location and name of the output xml file. If no value is supplied then the current directory will be used and the output filename will be results.xml.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Register

Field type: RegisterType

Use this to register and de-register the code coverage profiler.

Field type: RegisterType


Full Usage: ReturnTargetCode

Field type: ReturnTargetCodeType

Return the target process return code instead of the OpenCover console return code. Use the offset to return the OpenCover console at a value outside the range returned by the target process.

Field type: ReturnTargetCodeType


Full Usage: SearchDirs

Field type: string list

Alternative locations to look for PDBs.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: SkipAutoProps

Field type: bool

Neither track nor record auto-implemented properties. That is, skip getters and setters like these: public bool Service { get; set; }

Field type: bool


Full Usage: TestRunnerExePath

Field type: string

(Required) Path to the NUnit/XUnit console runner

Field type: string


Full Usage: TimeOut

Field type: TimeSpan

The timeout for the OpenCover process.

Field type: TimeSpan


Full Usage: WorkingDir

Field type: string

The directory where the OpenCover process will be started.

Field type: string