FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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NUnit3Params Type

The NUnit 3 Console Parameters type. FAKE will use NUnit3Defaults for values not provided.

For reference, see: NUnit3 command line options

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: Agents

Field type: int option

Number of agents that may be allowed to run simultaneously assuming you are not running in-process. If not specified, all agent processes run tests at the same time, whatever the number of assemblies. This setting is used to control running your assemblies in parallel.

Field type: int option


Full Usage: Config

Field type: string

Name of a project configuration to load (e.g.: Debug)

Field type: string


Full Usage: DisposeRunners

Field type: bool

Dispose each test runner after it has finished running its tests

Field type: bool


Full Usage: Domain

Field type: NUnit3DomainModel

Controls how NUnit loads tests in processes. See: NUnit3ProcessModel

Field type: NUnit3DomainModel


Full Usage: Environment

Field type: Map<string, string>

list or environment variables that will be set in the nunit-console.exe process

Field type: Map<string, string>


Full Usage: ErrorDir

Field type: string

File path to contain error output from the tests.

Field type: string


Full Usage: ErrorLevel

Field type: NUnit3ErrorLevel

Default: TestRunnerErrorLevel

Field type: NUnit3ErrorLevel


Full Usage: Force32bit

Field type: bool

Run tests in a 32-bit process on 64-bit systems.

Field type: bool


Full Usage: Framework

Field type: NUnit3Runtime

Allows you to specify the version of the runtime to be used in executing tests. Default value is runtime under which the assembly was built. See: NUnit3Runtime

Field type: NUnit3Runtime


Full Usage: Labels

Field type: LabelsLevel

Specify whether to write test case names to the output.

Field type: LabelsLevel


Full Usage: OutputDir

Field type: string

File path to contain text output from the tests.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Params

Field type: string

A test parameter specified in the form name=value. Multiple parameters may be specified, separated by semicolons

Field type: string


Full Usage: ProcessModel

Field type: NUnit3ProcessModel

Controls how NUnit loads tests in processes. See `NUnit3ProcessModel`

Field type: NUnit3ProcessModel


Full Usage: ResultSpecs

Field type: string list

Output specs for saving the test results. Default value is TestResult.xml Passing empty list does not save any result (--noresult option in NUnit) For more information, see: NUnit3 command line options

Field type: string list


Full Usage: Seed

Field type: int

Set the random seed used to generate test cases

Field type: int


Full Usage: ShadowCopy

Field type: bool

Tells .NET to copy loaded assemblies to the shadow-copy directory.

Field type: bool


Full Usage: SkipNonTestAssemblies

Field type: bool

Skips assemblies that do not contain tests or assemblies that contain the NUnit.Framework.NonTestAssemblyAttribute without raising an error

Field type: bool


Full Usage: StopOnError

Field type: bool

Causes execution of the test run to terminate immediately on the first test failure or error.

Field type: bool


Full Usage: TeamCity

Field type: bool

Turns on use of TeamCity service messages.

Field type: bool


Full Usage: Testlist

Field type: string

The name (or path) of a file containing a list of tests to run or explore, one per line.

Field type: string


Full Usage: TimeOut

Field type: TimeSpan

The default timeout to be used for test cases. If any test exceeds the timeout value, it is cancelled and reported as an error.

Field type: TimeSpan


Full Usage: ToolPath

Field type: string

The path to the NUnit3 console runner: `nunit3-console.exe`

Field type: string


Full Usage: TraceLevel

Field type: NUnit3TraceLevel

Controls the trace logs NUnit3 will output, defaults to Off

Field type: NUnit3TraceLevel


Full Usage: Where

Field type: string

An expression indicating which tests to run. It may specify test names, classes, methods, categories or properties comparing them to actual values with the operators ==, !=, =~ and !~. See NUnit documentation for a full description of the syntax.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Workers

Field type: int option

Specify the NUMBER of worker threads to be used in running tests. This setting is used to control running your tests in parallel and is used in conjunction with the Parallelism Attribute. If not specified, workers defaults to the number of processors on the machine, or 2, whichever is greater.

Field type: int option


Full Usage: WorkingDir

Field type: string

Path of the directory to use for output files.

Field type: string

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.WithEnvironment

    map : Map<string, string>

Returns: NUnit3Params

Sets the current environment variables.

map : Map<string, string>
Returns: NUnit3Params