FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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Coverlet.CoverletParams Type

Coverlet MSBuild parameters. For more details see: documentation

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: Exclude

Field type: (string * string) list

Namespaces to exclude, as (AssemblyName, Namespace) pairs. Supports * and ? globbing.

Field type: (string * string) list


Full Usage: ExcludeByAttribute

Field type: string list

Exclude methods, types and assemblies annotated with these attributes.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: ExcludeByFile

Field type: string list

Exclude these source files. Supports path globbing.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: Include

Field type: (string * string) list

Namespaces to include, as (AssemblyName, Namespace) pairs. Supports * and ? globbing.

Field type: (string * string) list


Full Usage: MergeWith

Field type: string option

Coverlet json file to merge with the output of this run.

Field type: string option


Full Usage: Output

Field type: string

(Required) Path to the generated output file, or directory if it ends with a /.

Field type: string


Full Usage: OutputFormat

Field type: OutputFormat list

(Required) Format of the generated output.

Field type: OutputFormat list


Full Usage: Threshold

Field type: int option

Minimum coverage percent. Build fails if the result is below.

Field type: int option


Full Usage: ThresholdStat

Field type: ThresholdStat

Coverage statistic to check against the threshold.

Field type: ThresholdStat


Full Usage: ThresholdType

Field type: ThresholdType

Type of coverage to check against the threshold.

Field type: ThresholdType


Full Usage: UseSourceLink

Field type: bool

Generate results with URL links from SourceLink instead of file paths.

Field type: bool