Determines whether the build log is appended to the log file or overwrites it. When you set the switch,
the build log is appended to the log file. When the switch is not present, the contents of an existing
log file are overwritten. If you include the append switch, no matter whether it is set to true or false,
the log is appended. If you do not include the append switch, the log is overwritten.
Use the default console colors for all logging messages.
Disable the multiprocessor logging style of output when running in non-multiprocessor mode.
Enable the multiprocessor logging style even when running in non-multiprocessor mode.
This logging style is on by default.
Show only errors.
Undocumented switch to force ansi colors.
Don't align the text to the size of the console buffer.
Other currently not supported parameter.
Don't show the list of items and properties that would appear at the start of each project build if the
verbosity level is set to diagnostic.
Don't show the error and warning summary at the end.
Show the time that’s spent in tasks, targets, and projects.
Show TaskCommandLineEvent messages.
Show the event ID for each started event, finished event, and message.
Show the timestamp as a prefix to any message.
Show the error and warning summary at the end.
Show only warnings.