FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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Trace Module

This module contains function which allow to trace build output


Type Description



Define a FAKE exception type


A safe disposable type for tracing

Functions and values

Function or value Description

Trace.closeAllOpenTags ()

Full Usage: Trace.closeAllOpenTags ()

    () : unit

Closes all opened tags

() : unit

Trace.closeTagUnsafe tag

Full Usage: Trace.closeTagUnsafe tag


Removes an opening tag from the internal tag stack

tag : KnownTags

The tag to insert

Trace.closeTagUnsafeEx status tag

Full Usage: Trace.closeTagUnsafeEx status tag


Removes an opening tag from the internal tag stack

status : TagStatus
tag : KnownTags

The tag to close

Trace.exceptionAndInnersToString ex

Full Usage: Trace.exceptionAndInnersToString ex

Returns: string

Converts an exception and its inner exceptions to a nice string.

ex : Exception

The exception to convert

Returns: string

Trace.isVerbose printHint

Full Usage: Trace.isVerbose printHint

    printHint : bool - Flag to mark if a hint will be written to log for verbosity

Returns: bool

Checks if FAKE is running in verbose mode

printHint : bool

Flag to mark if a hint will be written to log for verbosity

Returns: bool

Trace.log message

Full Usage: Trace.log message

    message : string - The message to log

Logs the specified string

message : string

The message to log

Trace.logItems message items

Full Usage: Trace.logItems message items

    message : string - The message to log
    items : seq<string> - The files to log message to

Logs the given files with the message.

message : string

The message to log

items : seq<string>

The files to log message to

Trace.logToConsole (msg, eventLogEntry)

Full Usage: Trace.logToConsole (msg, eventLogEntry)

    msg : string - The message to log
    eventLogEntry : EventLogEntryType - The message log level

Traces the message to the console

msg : string

The message to log

eventLogEntry : EventLogEntryType

The message log level

Trace.logVerbosefn fmt

Full Usage: Trace.logVerbosefn fmt

    fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit> - The formatted message to log

Returns: 'a

Logs the specified string if the verbose mode is activated.

fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit>

The formatted message to log

Returns: 'a

Trace.logf fmt

Full Usage: Trace.logf fmt

    fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit> - The formatted message to log

Returns: 'a

Logs the specified message (without line break)

fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit>

The formatted message to log

Returns: 'a

Trace.logfn fmt

Full Usage: Trace.logfn fmt

    fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit> - The formatted message to log

Returns: 'a

Logs the specified message

fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit>

The formatted message to log

Returns: 'a

Trace.openTagUnsafe tag description

Full Usage: Trace.openTagUnsafe tag description

    tag : KnownTags - The tag to insert
    description : string - The tag description

Puts an opening tag on the internal tag stack

tag : KnownTags

The tag to insert

description : string

The tag description

Trace.publish typ path

Full Usage: Trace.publish typ path

    typ : ImportData - The type to publish
    path : string - The path to publish type to

Publish given type in given path

typ : ImportData

The type to publish

path : string

The path to publish type to

Trace.setBuildNumber number

Full Usage: Trace.setBuildNumber number

    number : string - The build number to trace

Trace the given build number

number : string

The build number to trace

Trace.setBuildState tag

Full Usage: Trace.setBuildState tag


Set build state with the given tag

tag : TagStatus

The tag to trace

Trace.setBuildStateWithMessage tag message

Full Usage: Trace.setBuildStateWithMessage tag message

    tag : TagStatus - The tag to trace
    message : string - the build message

Set build state with the given tag and message

tag : TagStatus

The tag to trace

message : string

the build message

Trace.setVerbose ()

Full Usage: Trace.setVerbose ()

    () : unit

() : unit

Trace.testOutput testName out err

Full Usage: Trace.testOutput testName out err

    testName : string - The test name
    out : string - The test output
    err : string - The test error

Trace test output and errors

testName : string

The test name

out : string

The test output

err : string

The test error

Trace.testStatus testName testStatus

Full Usage: Trace.testStatus testName testStatus

    testName : string - The test name
    testStatus : TestStatus - The test status

Set status for the given test

testName : string

The test name

testStatus : TestStatus

The test status

Trace.trace message

Full Usage: Trace.trace message

    message : string - The message to log

Writes a trace to the command line (in green)

message : string

The message to log

Trace.traceEndFailureTargetUnsafeEx state name

Full Usage: Trace.traceEndFailureTargetUnsafeEx state name

    state : TagStatus - The target state
    name : string - The name of the target

Traces the end of a failure target

state : TagStatus

The target state

name : string

The name of the target

Trace.traceEndFinalTargetUnsafeEx state name

Full Usage: Trace.traceEndFinalTargetUnsafeEx state name

    state : TagStatus - The target state
    name : string - The name of the target

Traces the end of a final target

state : TagStatus

The target state

name : string

The name of the target

Trace.traceEndTargetUnsafe name

Full Usage: Trace.traceEndTargetUnsafe name

    name : string - The name of the target

Traces the end of a target

name : string

The name of the target

Trace.traceEndTargetUnsafeEx state name

Full Usage: Trace.traceEndTargetUnsafeEx state name

    state : TagStatus - The target state
    name : string - The name of the target

Traces the end of a target

state : TagStatus

The target state

name : string

The name of the target

Trace.traceEndTaskUnsafe task

Full Usage: Trace.traceEndTaskUnsafe task

    task : string - The name of the task

Traces the end of a task

task : string

The name of the task

Trace.traceEndTaskUnsafeEx state task

Full Usage: Trace.traceEndTaskUnsafeEx state task

    state : TagStatus - The state of the task
    task : string - The name of the task

Traces the end of a task

state : TagStatus

The state of the task

task : string

The name of the task

Trace.traceEnvironmentVariables ()

Full Usage: Trace.traceEnvironmentVariables ()

    () : unit

Traces the EnvironmentVariables

() : unit

Trace.traceError error

Full Usage: Trace.traceError error

    error : string - The error message to trace

Traces an error (in red)

error : string

The error message to trace

Trace.traceErrorfn fmt

Full Usage: Trace.traceErrorfn fmt

    fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit> - The formatted error message to trace

Returns: 'a

Writes an error message to stderr (in red)

fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit>

The formatted error message to trace

Returns: 'a

Trace.traceException ex

Full Usage: Trace.traceException ex


Traces an exception details (in red)

ex : Exception

The exception to trace

Trace.traceFAKE fmt

Full Usage: Trace.traceFAKE fmt

    fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit> - The formatted message to trace

Returns: 'a

Writes a trace to the command line (in yellow)

fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit>

The formatted message to trace

Returns: 'a

Trace.traceFailureTarget name description dependencyString

Full Usage: Trace.traceFailureTarget name description dependencyString

    name : string - The name of the target
    description : string - The description of the target
    dependencyString : string - The target dependency string

Returns: ISafeDisposable

Traces a failed target

name : string

The name of the target

description : string

The description of the target

dependencyString : string

The target dependency string

Returns: ISafeDisposable

Trace.traceFinalTarget name description dependencyString

Full Usage: Trace.traceFinalTarget name description dependencyString

    name : string - The name of the target
    description : string - The description of the target
    dependencyString : string - The target dependency string

Returns: ISafeDisposable

Traces a final target

name : string

The name of the target

description : string

The description of the target

dependencyString : string

The target dependency string

Returns: ISafeDisposable

Trace.traceHeader name

Full Usage: Trace.traceHeader name

    name : string - The header value

Traces a header

name : string

The header value

Trace.traceImportant text

Full Usage: Trace.traceImportant text

    text : string - The text to trace

Writes a trace to stderr (in yellow)

text : string

The text to trace

Trace.traceImportantfn fmt

Full Usage: Trace.traceImportantfn fmt

    fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit> - The formatted message to trace

Returns: 'a

Writes a message to stderr (in yellow)

fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit>

The formatted message to trace

Returns: 'a

Trace.traceLine ()

Full Usage: Trace.traceLine ()

    () : unit

Traces a line

() : unit

Trace.traceStartFailureTargetUnsafe name description dependencyString

Full Usage: Trace.traceStartFailureTargetUnsafe name description dependencyString

    name : string - The name of the target
    description : string - The description of the target
    dependencyString : string - The target dependency string

Traces the begin of a failure target

name : string

The name of the target

description : string

The description of the target

dependencyString : string

The target dependency string

Trace.traceStartFinalTargetUnsafe name description dependencyString

Full Usage: Trace.traceStartFinalTargetUnsafe name description dependencyString

    name : string - The name of the target
    description : string - The description of the target
    dependencyString : string - The target dependency string

Traces the begin of a final target

name : string

The name of the target

description : string

The description of the target

dependencyString : string

The target dependency string

Trace.traceStartTargetUnsafe name description dependencyString

Full Usage: Trace.traceStartTargetUnsafe name description dependencyString

    name : string - The name of the target
    description : string - The description of the target
    dependencyString : string - The target dependency string

Traces the begin of a target

name : string

The name of the target

description : string

The description of the target

dependencyString : string

The target dependency string

Trace.traceStartTaskUnsafe task description

Full Usage: Trace.traceStartTaskUnsafe task description

    task : string - The name of the task
    description : string - The description of the task

Traces the begin of a task

task : string

The name of the task

description : string

The description of the task

Trace.traceTag tag description

Full Usage: Trace.traceTag tag description

    tag : KnownTags - The tag to trace
    description : string - the tag description

Returns: ISafeDisposable

Traces a tag

tag : KnownTags

The tag to trace

description : string

the tag description

Returns: ISafeDisposable

Trace.traceTarget name description dependencyString

Full Usage: Trace.traceTarget name description dependencyString

    name : string - The name of the target
    description : string - The description of the target
    dependencyString : string - The target dependency string

Returns: ISafeDisposable

Traces a target

name : string

The name of the target

description : string

The description of the target

dependencyString : string

The target dependency string

Returns: ISafeDisposable

Trace.traceTask name description

Full Usage: Trace.traceTask name description

    name : string - The name of the task
    description : string - The description of the task

Returns: ISafeDisposable

Wrap functions in a 'use' of this function

name : string

The name of the task

description : string

The description of the task

Returns: ISafeDisposable

Trace.traceVerbose s

Full Usage: Trace.traceVerbose s

    s : string - The message to trace

Writes a trace to the command line (in green) if the verbose mode is activated.

s : string

The message to trace

Trace.tracef fmt

Full Usage: Trace.tracef fmt

    fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit> - The formatted message to log

Returns: 'a

Writes a message to the command line (in green) and without a line break

fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit>

The formatted message to log

Returns: 'a

Trace.tracefn fmt

Full Usage: Trace.tracefn fmt

    fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit> - The formatted message to log

Returns: 'a

Writes a message to the command line (in green)

fmt : StringFormat<'a, unit>

The formatted message to log

Returns: 'a

Trace.useWith automaticSuccess func trace

Full Usage: Trace.useWith automaticSuccess func trace

    automaticSuccess : bool - Flag to mark trace task as success
    func : ISafeDisposable -> 'a - Callback to call on result of task trace
    trace : ISafeDisposable - The trace instance

Returns: 'a
Modifiers: inline

Allows automatic or manual tracing around a function being run If in automatic success mode and no exception is thrown then trace is marked as success Any exception thrown will result in a mark failed and exception re-thrown

automaticSuccess : bool

Flag to mark trace task as success

func : ISafeDisposable -> 'a

Callback to call on result of task trace

trace : ISafeDisposable

The trace instance

Returns: 'a