FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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ReportGenerator.ReportGeneratorParams Type

ReportGenerator parameters, for more details see this link.

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: ClassFilters

Field type: string list

Optional list of classes that should be included or excluded in the report e.g. -*Tests (default is +*) Exclusion filters take precedence over inclusion filters. Wildcards are allowed.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: ExePath

Field type: string

(Required) Path to the ReportGenerator exe file.

Field type: string


Full Usage: FileFilters

Field type: string list

Optional list of files that should be included or excluded in the report e.g. -*.xaml.cs or +*.cs (default is +*) Exclusion filters take precedence over inclusion filters. Wildcards are allowed.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: Filters

Field type: string list

Optional list of assemblies that should be included or excluded in the report e.g. -Foo.Test (default is +*) Exclusion filters take precedence over inclusion filters. Wildcards are allowed.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: HistoryDir

Field type: string

Optional directory for storing persistent coverage information. Can be used in future reports to show coverage evolution.

Field type: string


Full Usage: LogVerbosity

Field type: LogVerbosity

The verbosity level of the log messages.

Field type: LogVerbosity


Full Usage: ReportTypes

Field type: ReportType list

The output formats and scope.

Field type: ReportType list


Full Usage: SourceDirs

Field type: string list

Optional directories which contain the corresponding source code.

Field type: string list


Full Usage: Tag

Field type: string option

Optional tag or build version

Field type: string option


Full Usage: TargetDir

Field type: string

(Required) The directory where the generated report should be saved.

Field type: string


Full Usage: TimeOut

Field type: TimeSpan

The timeout for the ReportGenerator process.

Field type: TimeSpan


Full Usage: ToolType

Field type: ToolType

Tool type

Field type: ToolType


Full Usage: WorkingDir

Field type: string

The directory where the ReportGenerator process will be started.

Field type: string