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Http Module

HTTP Client for downloading files


Type Description


Input parameter type


Option type for the HTTP verb

Functions and values

Function or value Description

downloadFile localFilePath uri

Full Usage: downloadFile localFilePath uri

    localFilePath : string - A local file path to download file
    uri : string - A Uri to download from

Returns: string String value contains a downloaded file path

Download file by the given file path and Uri

localFilePath : string

A local file path to download file

uri : string

A Uri to download from

Returns: string

String value contains a downloaded file path

downloadFiles input

Full Usage: downloadFiles input

    input : DownloadParameters list - List of Http.DownloadParameters. Each Http.DownloadParameters record type contains Uri and file path

Returns: string list List of string values contains a list of downloaded files paths

Download list of Uri's in parallel

input : DownloadParameters list

List of Http.DownloadParameters. Each Http.DownloadParameters record type contains Uri and file path

Returns: string list

List of string values contains a list of downloaded files paths

get userName password url

Full Usage: get userName password url

    userName : string - The username to use with the request.
    password : string - The password to use with the request.
    url : string - The URL to perform the GET operation.

Returns: string

Executes an HTTP GET command and retrieves the information. It returns the response of the request, or null if we got 404 or nothing.

userName : string

The username to use with the request.

password : string

The password to use with the request.

url : string

The URL to perform the GET operation.

Returns: string

getWithHeaders userName password headerF url

Full Usage: getWithHeaders userName password headerF url

Returns: Map<string, string list> * string

Like 'get' but allow to set headers and returns the response headers. The username to use with the request. The password to use with the request. A function which allows to manipulate the HTTP headers. The URL to perform the POST operation.

userName : string
password : string
headerF : HttpRequestHeaders -> unit
url : string
Returns: Map<string, string list> * string

post url userName password data

Full Usage: post url userName password data

    url : string - The URL to perform the POST operation.
    userName : string - The username to use with the request.
    password : string - The password to use with the request.
    data : string - The data to post.

Returns: string

Executes an HTTP POST command and retrieves the information. It returns the response of the request, or null if we got 404 or nothing.

url : string

The URL to perform the POST operation.

userName : string

The username to use with the request.

password : string

The password to use with the request.

data : string

The data to post.

Returns: string

postCommand headerF url userName password data

Full Usage: postCommand headerF url userName password data

    headerF : HttpRequestHeaders -> unit - A function which allows to manipulate the HTTP headers.
    url : string - The URL to perform the POST operation.
    userName : string - The username to use with the request.
    password : string - The password to use with the request.
    data : string - The data to post.

Returns: string

Executes an HTTP POST command and retrieves the information. This function will automatically include a "source" parameter if the "Source" property is set. It returns the response of the request, or null if we got 404 or nothing.

headerF : HttpRequestHeaders -> unit

A function which allows to manipulate the HTTP headers.

url : string

The URL to perform the POST operation.

userName : string

The username to use with the request.

password : string

The password to use with the request.

data : string

The data to post.

Returns: string

upload url file

Full Usage: upload url file

    url : string - The URL to perform the POST operation.
    file : string - The file to upload.

Upload the given file to the given endpoint

url : string

The URL to perform the POST operation.

file : string

The file to upload.