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Zip Module

This module contains helper function to create and extract zip archives.

Functions and values

Function or value Description


Full Usage: Zip.DefaultZipLevel

Returns: int

The default zip level

Returns: int

Zip.createZip workingDir fileName comment level flatten files

Full Usage: Zip.createZip workingDir fileName comment level flatten files

    workingDir : string - The relative dir of the zip files. Use this parameter to influence directory structure within zip file.
    fileName : string - The fileName of the resulting zip file.
    comment : string - A comment for the resulting zip file (currently ignored in fake 5 and above).
    level : int - The compression level.
    flatten : bool - If set to true then all subfolders are merged into the root folder.
    files : seq<string> - A sequence with files to zip.

Creates a zip file with the given files

workingDir : string

The relative dir of the zip files. Use this parameter to influence directory structure within zip file.

fileName : string

The fileName of the resulting zip file.

comment : string

A comment for the resulting zip file (currently ignored in fake 5 and above).

level : int

The compression level.

flatten : bool

If set to true then all subfolders are merged into the root folder.

files : seq<string>

A sequence with files to zip.

Zip.createZipOfIncludes fileName comment level files

Full Usage: Zip.createZipOfIncludes fileName comment level files

    fileName : string - The file name of the resulting zip file.
    comment : string - A comment for the resulting zip file (currently ignored in fake 5 and above).
    level : int - The compression level.
    files : seq<string * IGlobbingPattern> - A sequence of target folders and files to include relative to their base directory.

Creates a zip file with the given files.

fileName : string

The file name of the resulting zip file.

comment : string

A comment for the resulting zip file (currently ignored in fake 5 and above).

level : int

The compression level.

files : seq<string * IGlobbingPattern>

A sequence of target folders and files to include relative to their base directory.

Zip.createZipSpec fileName comment level items

Full Usage: Zip.createZipSpec fileName comment level items

    fileName : string - The fileName of the resulting zip file.
    comment : string - A comment for the resulting zip file (currently ignored in fake 5 and above).
    level : int - The compression level.
    items : seq<string * string> - A sequence with files and their target location in the zip.

Creates a zip file with the given files and specs.

fileName : string

The fileName of the resulting zip file.

comment : string

A comment for the resulting zip file (currently ignored in fake 5 and above).

level : int

The compression level.

items : seq<string * string>

A sequence with files and their target location in the zip.

Zip.filesAsSpecs workingDir files

Full Usage: Zip.filesAsSpecs workingDir files

    workingDir : string - The relative dir of the zip files. Use this parameter to influence directory structure within zip file.
    files : IGlobbingPattern - A sequence of target folders and files to include relative to their base directory.

Returns: seq<string * string>

This helper helps with creating complex zip file with multiple include patterns. This method will convert a given glob pattern with the given workingDir to a sequence of zip specifications.

workingDir : string

The relative dir of the zip files. Use this parameter to influence directory structure within zip file.

files : IGlobbingPattern

A sequence of target folders and files to include relative to their base directory.

Returns: seq<string * string>

The following sample creates a zip file containing the files from multiple patterns and moves them to different folders within the zip file.

 Target "Zip" (fun _ ->
         [   !! "ci/build/project1/**/*"
                 |> Zip.filesAsSpecs "ci/build/project1"
                 |> Zip.moveToFolder "project1"
             !! "ci/build/project2/**/*"
                 |> Zip.filesAsSpecs "ci/build/project2"
                 |> Zip.moveToFolder "project2"
             !! "ci/build/project3/sub/dir/**/*"
                 |> Zip.filesAsSpecs "ci/build/project3"
                 |> Zip.moveToFolder "project3"
         |> Seq.concat
         |> Zip.zipSpec (sprintf @"ci/deploy/project.%s.zip" buildVersion)

Zip.filesAsSpecsFlatten files

Full Usage: Zip.filesAsSpecsFlatten files

    files : IGlobbingPattern - A sequence of target folders and files to include relative to their base directory.

Returns: seq<string * string>

This helper helps with creating complex zip file with multiple include patterns.

files : IGlobbingPattern

A sequence of target folders and files to include relative to their base directory.

Returns: seq<string * string>

The following sample creates a zip file containing the files from multiple patterns and moves them to different folders within the zip file.

 Target "Zip" (fun _ ->
         [   !! "ci/build/project1/**/*"
                 |> Zip.filesAsSpecsFlatten
                 |> Zip.moveToFolder "project1"
             !! "ci/build/project2/**/*"
                 |> Zip.filesAsSpecsFlatten
                 |> Zip.moveToFolder "project2"
             !! "ci/build/project3/sub/dir/**/*"
                 |> Zip.filesAsSpecs "ci/build/project3"
                 |> Zip.moveToFolder "project3"
         |> Seq.concat
         |> Zip.zipSpec (sprintf @"ci/deploy/project.%s.zip" buildVersion)

Zip.moveToFolder path items

Full Usage: Zip.moveToFolder path items

    path : string
    items : seq<string * string>

Returns: seq<string * string>

This helper helps with creating complex zip file with multiple include patterns. This function will move a given list of zip specifications to the given folder (while keeping original folder structure intact).

path : string
items : seq<string * string>
Returns: seq<string * string>

The following sample creates a zip file containing the files from multiple patterns and moves them to different folders within the zip file.

 Target "Zip" (fun _ ->
         [   !! "ci/build/project1/**/*"
                 |> Zip.filesAsSpecsFlatten
                 |> Zip.moveToFolder "project1"
             !! "ci/build/project2/**/*"
                 |> Zip.filesAsSpecsFlatten
                 |> Zip.moveToFolder "project2"
             !! "ci/build/project3/sub/dir/**/*"
                 |> Zip.filesAsSpecs "ci/build/project3"
                 |> Zip.moveToFolder "project3"
         |> Seq.concat
         |> Zip.zipSpec (sprintf @"ci/deploy/project.%s.zip" buildVersion)

Zip.unzip target fileName

Full Usage: Zip.unzip target fileName

    target : string - The target directory.
    fileName : string - The file name of the zip file.

Unzips a file with the given file name.

target : string

The target directory.

fileName : string

The file name of the zip file.

Zip.unzipFirstMatchingFileInMemory predicate zipFileName

Full Usage: Zip.unzipFirstMatchingFileInMemory predicate zipFileName

    predicate : ZipArchiveEntry -> bool - The predicate for the searched file in the archive.
    zipFileName : string - The file name of the zip file.

Returns: string

Unzips a single file from the archive with the given file name.

predicate : ZipArchiveEntry -> bool

The predicate for the searched file in the archive.

zipFileName : string

The file name of the zip file.

Returns: string

Zip.unzipSingleFileInMemory fileToUnzip zipFileName

Full Usage: Zip.unzipSingleFileInMemory fileToUnzip zipFileName

    fileToUnzip : string - The file inside the archive.
    zipFileName : string - The file name of the zip file.

Returns: string

Unzips a single file from the archive with the given file name.

fileToUnzip : string

The file inside the archive.

zipFileName : string

The file name of the zip file.

Returns: string

Zip.zip workingDir fileName files

Full Usage: Zip.zip workingDir fileName files

    workingDir : string - The relative dir of the zip files. Use this parameter to influence directory structure within zip file.
    fileName : string - The file name of the resulting zip file.
    files : seq<string> - A sequence with files to zip.

Creates a zip file with the given files.

workingDir : string

The relative dir of the zip files. Use this parameter to influence directory structure within zip file.

fileName : string

The file name of the resulting zip file.

files : seq<string>

A sequence with files to zip.

Zip.zipFile fileName targetFileName

Full Usage: Zip.zipFile fileName targetFileName

    fileName : string - The file name of the resulting zip file.
    targetFileName : string - The file to zip.

Creates a zip file with the given file.

fileName : string

The file name of the resulting zip file.

targetFileName : string

The file to zip.

Zip.zipOfIncludes fileName files

Full Usage: Zip.zipOfIncludes fileName files

    fileName : string - The file name of the resulting zip file.
    files : seq<string * IGlobbingPattern> - A sequence of target folders and files to include relative to their base directory.

Creates a zip file with the given files.

fileName : string

The file name of the resulting zip file.

files : seq<string * IGlobbingPattern>

A sequence of target folders and files to include relative to their base directory.


The following sample creates a zip file containing the files from the two target folders and FileIncludes.

  • The files from the first FileInclude will be placed in the root of the zip file.
  • The files from the second FileInclude will be placed under the directory app_data\jobs\continuous\MyWebJob
in the zip file.

 Target "Zip" (fun _ ->
         [   "", !! "MyWebApp/*.html"
                 ++ "MyWebApp/bin/**/*.dll"
                 ++ "MyWebApp/bin/**/*.pdb"
                 ++ "MyWebApp/fonts/**"
                 ++ "MyWebApp/img/**"
                 ++ "MyWebApp/js/**"
                 -- "MyWebApp/js/_references.js"
                 ++ "MyWebApp/web.config"
             @"app_data\jobs\continuous\MyWebJob", !! "MyWebJob/bin/Release/*.*"
         |> Zip.zipOfIncludes (sprintf @"bin\MyWebApp.%s.zip" buildVersion)

Zip.zipSpec fileName items

Full Usage: Zip.zipSpec fileName items

    fileName : string - The fileName of the resulting zip file.
    items : seq<string * string> - A sequence with files and their target location in the zip.

Creates a zip file with the given files and specs.

fileName : string

The fileName of the resulting zip file.

items : seq<string * string>

A sequence with files and their target location in the zip.