FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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Operators Module

Contains operators to find and process files. This module is part of the Fake.IO.FileSystem package


Simple glob using as list

 #r "paket: nuget Fake.IO.FileSystem //"
     open Fake.IO.Globbing.Operators
     let csProjectFiles = !! "src/*.csproj"

     for projectFile in csProjectFiles do
         printf "F# ProjectFile: %s" projectFile


Combine globs

 #r "paket: nuget Fake.IO.FileSystem //"
     open Fake.IO.Globbing.Operators
     let projectFiles =
         !! "src/*/*.*proj"
         ++ "src/*/*.target"
         -- "src/*/*.vbproj"

     for projectFile in projectFiles do
         printf "ProjectFile: %s" projectFile


Forward globs to tasks

 #r "paket:
     nuget Fake.Core.Target
     nuget Fake.IO.FileSystem //"
     open Fake.Core
     open Fake.IO
     open Fake.IO.Globbing.Operators
     Target.create "Clean" (fun _ ->
        !! "src/*/*/obj/**/*.nuspec"
        |> File.deleteAll

Functions and values

Function or value Description


Full Usage: !!x

    x : string - The pattern to create globbing from

Returns: IGlobbingPattern
Modifiers: inline

Includes a single pattern and scans the files - !! x = AllFilesMatching x

x : string

The pattern to create globbing from

Returns: IGlobbingPattern

x ++ pattern

Full Usage: x ++ pattern

Returns: IGlobbingPattern
Modifiers: inline

Add Include operator

x : IGlobbingPattern

The pattern to include

pattern : string
Returns: IGlobbingPattern

x -- pattern

Full Usage: x -- pattern

Returns: IGlobbingPattern
Modifiers: inline

Exclude operator

x : IGlobbingPattern

The pattern to include

pattern : string
Returns: IGlobbingPattern