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Directory Module

Contains helpers which allow to interact with the directory in file system.

Functions and values

Function or value Description


Full Usage: Directory.create

Returns: string -> unit

Creates a directory if it does not exist.

Returns: string -> unit

Directory.delete path

Full Usage: Directory.delete path

    path : string - The path to delete

Deletes a directory if it exists (including all contained elements).

path : string

The path to delete

Directory.ensure dir

Full Usage: Directory.ensure dir

    dir : string - The directory to check

Modifiers: inline

Checks if the given directory exists. If not then this functions creates the directory.

dir : string

The directory to check

Directory.findFirstMatchingFile pattern dir

Full Usage: Directory.findFirstMatchingFile pattern dir

    pattern : string - The glob pattern to use in matching
    dir : string - The directory to check

Returns: string

Gets the first file in the directory matching the search pattern or throws an error if nothing was found.

pattern : string

The glob pattern to use in matching

dir : string

The directory to check

Returns: string

Directory.tryFindFirstMatchingFile pattern dir

Full Usage: Directory.tryFindFirstMatchingFile pattern dir

    pattern : string - The glob pattern to use in matching
    dir : string - The directory to check

Returns: string option

Gets the first file in the directory matching the search pattern as an option value.

pattern : string

The glob pattern to use in matching

dir : string

The directory to check

Returns: string option