FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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ChangeWatcher Module

This module contains helpers to react to file system events.


 Target.create "Watch" (fun _ ->
         use watcher = !! "c:/projects/watchDir/*.txt" |> ChangeWatcher.run (fun changes ->
             // do something

         System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore

         watcher.Dispose() // if you need to cleanup the watcher.


Type Description


The ChangeWatcher options

Functions and values

Function or value Description

run onChange fileIncludes

Full Usage: run onChange fileIncludes

    onChange : seq<FileChange> -> unit - Function to call when a change is detected.
    fileIncludes : IGlobbingPattern - The glob pattern for files to watch for changes.

Returns: IDisposable

Watches for changes in the matching files with the default options Returns an IDisposable which allows to dispose all internally used FileSystemWatchers.

onChange : seq<FileChange> -> unit

Function to call when a change is detected.

fileIncludes : IGlobbingPattern

The glob pattern for files to watch for changes.

Returns: IDisposable

runWithOptions fOptions onChange fileIncludes

Full Usage: runWithOptions fOptions onChange fileIncludes

    fOptions : Options -> Options - ChangeWatcher options
    onChange : seq<FileChange> -> unit - Function to call when a change is detected.
    fileIncludes : IGlobbingPattern - The glob pattern for files to watch for changes.

Returns: IDisposable

Watches for changes in the matching files. Returns an IDisposable which allows to dispose all internally used FileSystemWatchers.

fOptions : Options -> Options

ChangeWatcher options

onChange : seq<FileChange> -> unit

Function to call when a change is detected.

fileIncludes : IGlobbingPattern

The glob pattern for files to watch for changes.

Returns: IDisposable