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Squirrel Module

Contains types and utility functions related to creating Squirrel installer.


Type Description


The Squirrel Console Parameters type. For reference, see: Squirrel Command Line Options

Functions and values

Function or value Description

Squirrel.releasify nugetPackage setParams

Full Usage: Squirrel.releasify nugetPackage setParams

    nugetPackage : string - The package to create an installer for
    setParams : ReleasifyParams -> ReleasifyParams - Function used to manipulate the default SquirrelParams value.

Creates a Squirrel installer for given NuGet package. Will fail if Squirrel terminates with non-zero exit code.

Defaults for setParams:

  • ReleaseDir - ""
  • WorkingDir - None
  • BootstrapperExe - None
  • LoadingGif - None
  • SetupIcon - None
  • NoDelta - false
  • NoMsi - false
  • MsiWin64 - false
  • ToolPath - The squirrel.exe path if it exists in a subdirectory of the current directory.
  • TimeOut - 0 minutes
  • SignExecutable - None
  • SigningKeyFile - None
  • SigningSecret - None
  • FrameworkVersion - None
  • AdditionalArguments - None A string with additional arguments that will be added to the command line

nugetPackage : string

The package to create an installer for

setParams : ReleasifyParams -> ReleasifyParams

Function used to manipulate the default SquirrelParams value.


 Target.create "CreatePackage" (fun _ ->
         Squirrel.releasify "./my.nupkg" (fun p -> { p with ReleaseDir = "./squirrel_release")