FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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VSTest Module

Contains tasks to run VSTest unit tests.


Type Description


Option which allow to specify if a VSTest error should break the build.


Parameter type to configure VSTest.Console.exe

Functions and values

Function or value Description

VSTest.run setParams assemblies

Full Usage: VSTest.run setParams assemblies

    setParams : VSTestParams -> VSTestParams - Function used to manipulate the default VSTestParams values.
    assemblies : seq<string> - Sequence of one or more assemblies containing Microsoft Visual Studio Unit Test Framework unit tests.

Runs the VSTest command line tool (VSTest.Console.exe) on a group of assemblies.

setParams : VSTestParams -> VSTestParams

Function used to manipulate the default VSTestParams values.

assemblies : seq<string>

Sequence of one or more assemblies containing Microsoft Visual Studio Unit Test Framework unit tests.


 Target.create "Test" (fun _ ->
         !! (testDir + @"\*.Tests.dll")
           |> VSTest.run (fun p -> { p with SettingsPath = "Local.RunSettings" })