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Update Module

Contains tasks for updating NuGet packages including assembly hint paths in the project files using the nuget.exe update command.


Type Description


Nuget update parameters.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

NugetUpdate setParams packagesFile

Full Usage: NugetUpdate setParams packagesFile

    setParams : NugetUpdateParams -> NugetUpdateParams - Function used to manipulate the default parameters.
    packagesFile : string - Path to the *.sln, *.*proj or packages.config file.

Update packages specified in the package file.

Fails if packages are not installed; see nuget bug. Fails if packages file has no corresponding VS project; see nuget bug.

setParams : NugetUpdateParams -> NugetUpdateParams

Function used to manipulate the default parameters.

packagesFile : string

Path to the *.sln, *.*proj or packages.config file.


Full Usage: NugetUpdateDefaults

Returns: NugetUpdateParams

Parameter default values.

Returns: NugetUpdateParams