FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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MSBuild Module

Contains tasks which allow to use MSBuild (or xBuild on Linux/Unix) to build .NET project files or solution files.


Type Description


A type for MSBuild task parameters

Functions and values

Function or value Description

MSBuild.build setParams project

Full Usage: MSBuild.build setParams project

    setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams - A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams
    project : string - A string with the path to the project file to build.

Runs a MSBuild project

setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams

A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams

project : string

A string with the path to the project file to build.


 open Fake.DotNet
     let buildMode = Environment.environVarOrDefault "buildMode" "Release"
     let setParams (defaults:MSBuildParams) =
             { defaults with
                 Verbosity = Some(Quiet)
                 Targets = ["Build"]
                 Properties =
                         "Optimize", "True"
                         "DebugSymbols", "True"
                         "Configuration", buildMode
     MSBuild.build setParams "./MySolution.sln"

MSBuild.buildWebsite outputPath projectFile

Full Usage: MSBuild.buildWebsite outputPath projectFile

    outputPath : string - The output path.
    projectFile : string - The project file path.

Builds the given web project file with debug configuration and copies it to the given outputPath.

outputPath : string

The output path.

projectFile : string

The project file path.

MSBuild.buildWebsiteConfig setParams outputPath configuration projectFile

Full Usage: MSBuild.buildWebsiteConfig setParams outputPath configuration projectFile

    setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams - A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams
    outputPath : string - The output path.
    configuration : string - MSBuild configuration.
    projectFile : string - The project file path.

Builds the given web project file in the specified configuration and copies it to the given outputPath.

setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams

A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams

outputPath : string

The output path.

configuration : string

MSBuild configuration.

projectFile : string

The project file path.

MSBuild.buildWebsites outputPath projectFiles

Full Usage: MSBuild.buildWebsites outputPath projectFiles

Returns: seq<string> -> unit

Builds the given web project files with debug configuration and copies them to the given websiteDir.

outputPath : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams

The output path.

projectFiles : string

The project file paths.

Returns: seq<string> -> unit

MSBuild.buildWebsitesConfig setParams outputPath configuration projectFiles

Full Usage: MSBuild.buildWebsitesConfig setParams outputPath configuration projectFiles

    setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams - A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams
    outputPath : string - The output path.
    configuration : string - MSBuild configuration.
    projectFiles : seq<string> - The project file paths.

Builds the given web project files in specified configuration and copies them to the given outputPath.

setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams

A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams

outputPath : string

The output path.

configuration : string

MSBuild configuration.

projectFiles : seq<string>

The project file paths.

MSBuild.buildWithRedirect setParams project

Full Usage: MSBuild.buildWithRedirect setParams project

    setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams - A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams
    project : string - A string with the path to the project file to build.

Returns: int * List<ConsoleMessage>

Run MSBuild and collect output results and return it.

setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams

A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams

project : string

A string with the path to the project file to build.

Returns: int * List<ConsoleMessage>


Full Usage: MSBuild.msBuildExe

Returns: string

Exposing MSBuild executable

Returns: string

MSBuild.run setParams outputPath targets properties projects

Full Usage: MSBuild.run setParams outputPath targets properties projects

    setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams - A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams
    outputPath : string - If it is null or empty then the project settings are used.
    targets : string - A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.
    properties : (string * string) list - A list with tuples of property name and property values.
    projects : seq<string> - A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list

Builds the given project files or solution files and collects the output files.

setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams

A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams

outputPath : string

If it is null or empty then the project settings are used.

targets : string

A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.

properties : (string * string) list

A list with tuples of property name and property values.

projects : seq<string>

A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list

MSBuild.runDebug setParams outputPath targets projects

Full Usage: MSBuild.runDebug setParams outputPath targets projects

    setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams - A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams
    outputPath : string - If it is null or empty then the project settings are used.
    targets : string - A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.
    projects : seq<string> - A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list

Builds the given project files or solution files and collects the output files.

setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams

A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams

outputPath : string

If it is null or empty then the project settings are used.

targets : string

A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.

projects : seq<string>

A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list

MSBuild.runRelease setParams outputPath targets projects

Full Usage: MSBuild.runRelease setParams outputPath targets projects

    setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams - A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams
    outputPath : string - If it is null or empty then the project settings are used.
    targets : string - A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.
    projects : seq<string> - A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list

Builds the given project files or solution files and collects the output files.

setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams

A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams

outputPath : string

If it is null or empty then the project settings are used.

targets : string

A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.

projects : seq<string>

A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list

MSBuild.runReleaseExt setParams outputPath properties targets projects

Full Usage: MSBuild.runReleaseExt setParams outputPath properties targets projects

    setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams - A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams
    outputPath : string - If it is null or empty then the project settings are used.
    properties : (string * string) list - A list with tuples of property name and property values.
    targets : string - A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.
    projects : seq<string> - A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list

Builds the given project files or solution files in release mode and collects the output files.

setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams

A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams

outputPath : string

If it is null or empty then the project settings are used.

properties : (string * string) list

A list with tuples of property name and property values.

targets : string

A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.

projects : seq<string>

A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list

MSBuild.runWithDefaults targets projects

Full Usage: MSBuild.runWithDefaults targets projects

    targets : string - A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.
    projects : seq<string> - A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list

Builds the given project files or solution files in release mode to the default outputs.

targets : string

A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.

projects : seq<string>

A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list

MSBuild.runWithProperties setParams outputPath targets properties projects

Full Usage: MSBuild.runWithProperties setParams outputPath targets properties projects

    setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams - A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams
    outputPath : string - If it is null or empty then the project settings are used.
    targets : string - A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.
    properties : string -> (string * string) list - A list with tuples of property name and property values.
    projects : seq<string> - A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list

Builds the given project files and collects the output files.

setParams : MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams

A function that overwrites the default MSBuildParams

outputPath : string

If it is null or empty then the project settings are used.

targets : string

A string with the target names which should be run by MSBuild.

properties : string -> (string * string) list

A list with tuples of property name and property values.

projects : seq<string>

A list of project or solution files.

Returns: string list