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AssemblyInfo Module

Contains tasks to generate AssemblyInfo files for C# and F#. There is also a tutorial about the AssemblyInfo tasks available.


Type Description


Represents AssemblyInfo attributes

Functions and values

Function or value Description

AssemblyInfo.BoolAttribute (name, value, inNamespace)

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.BoolAttribute (name, value, inNamespace)

    name : string - the attribute name
    value : bool - the attribute value
    inNamespace : string - the attribute namespace

Returns: Attribute

Creates a simple attribute with boolean values. Used as base for other attributes

name : string

the attribute name

value : bool

the attribute value

inNamespace : string

the attribute namespace

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.CLSCompliant value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.CLSCompliant value

    value : bool - the CLS Compliant attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which specifies if the assembly is CLS compliant

value : bool

the CLS Compliant attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.ComVisible value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.ComVisible value

    value : bool - the COM attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which specifies if the assembly is visible via COM

value : bool

the COM attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.Company value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.Company value

    value : string - the company attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the company information

value : string

the company attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.Configuration value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.Configuration value

    value : string - the configuration attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the assembly configuration

value : string

the configuration attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.Copyright value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.Copyright value

    value : string - the copyright attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the copyright information

value : string

the copyright attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.Culture value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.Culture value

    value : string - the culture attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the assembly culture information

value : string

the culture attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.DelaySign value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.DelaySign value

    value : bool - the delay sign attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which specifies if the assembly uses delayed signing

value : bool

the delay sign attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.Description value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.Description value

    value : string - the description attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the product description

value : string

the description attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.FileVersion value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.FileVersion value

    value : string - the file version attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the assembly file version

value : string

the file version attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.Guid value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.Guid value

    value : string - the guid attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the Guid

value : string

the guid attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.InformationalVersion value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.InformationalVersion value

    value : string - the informational version attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds an assembly information version

value : string

the informational version attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.InternalsVisibleTo value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.InternalsVisibleTo value

    value : string - the internals visible to attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the "InternalVisibleTo" data

value : string

the internals visible to attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.KeyFile value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.KeyFile value

    value : string - the key file attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the assembly key file

value : string

the key file attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.KeyName value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.KeyName value

    value : string - the key name attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the assembly key name

value : string

the key name attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.Metadata (name, value)

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.Metadata (name, value)

    name : string - the attribute name
    value : string - the attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Create an attribute which specifies metadata about the assembly

name : string

the attribute name

value : string

the attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.Product value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.Product value

    value : string - the product attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the product name

value : string

the product attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.StringAttribute (name, value, inNamespace)

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.StringAttribute (name, value, inNamespace)

    name : string - the attribute name
    value : string - the attribute value
    inNamespace : string - the attribute namespace

Returns: Attribute

Create a string attribute

name : string

the attribute name

value : string

the attribute value

inNamespace : string

the attribute namespace

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.StringAttributeWithStatic (name, value, inNamespace, staticName, staticValue)

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.StringAttributeWithStatic (name, value, inNamespace, staticName, staticValue)

    name : string - the attribute name
    value : string - the attribute value
    inNamespace : string - the attribute namespace
    staticName : string - static property name
    staticValue : string - static property value

Returns: Attribute

Creates a simple attribute with string values. Used as base for other attributes

name : string

the attribute name

value : string

the attribute value

inNamespace : string

the attribute namespace

staticName : string

static property name

staticValue : string

static property value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.Title value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.Title value

    value : string - the title attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the product title

value : string

the title attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.Trademark value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.Trademark value

    value : string - the trademark attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the trademark

value : string

the trademark attribute value

Returns: Attribute

AssemblyInfo.Version value

Full Usage: AssemblyInfo.Version value

    value : string - the version attribute value

Returns: Attribute

Creates an attribute which holds the assembly version

value : string

the version attribute value

Returns: Attribute