FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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Target Module

FAKE Target module contains tasks to define and run targets.

Types and nested modules

Type/Module Description


Run functions which don't throw and return the context after all targets have been executed.


Optional TargetContext

Functions and values

Function or value Description

Target.activateBuildFailure name

Full Usage: Target.activateBuildFailure name

    name : string - The target name

Activates the build failure target.

name : string

The target name

Target.activateFinal name

Full Usage: Target.activateFinal name

    name : string - The target name

Activates the final target.

name : string

The target name

Target.create name body

Full Usage: Target.create name body


Creates a Target.

name : string
body : TargetParameter -> unit

Target.createBuildFailure name body

Full Usage: Target.createBuildFailure name body

    name : string - The target name
    body : TargetParameter -> unit - The target body

Creates a target in case of build failure (not activated).

name : string

The target name

body : TargetParameter -> unit

The target body

Target.createFinal name body

Full Usage: Target.createFinal name body

    name : string - The target name
    body : TargetParameter -> unit - The target body

Creates a final target (not activated).

name : string

The target name

body : TargetParameter -> unit

The target body

Target.deactivateBuildFailure name

Full Usage: Target.deactivateBuildFailure name

    name : string - The target name

Deactivates the build failure target.

name : string

The target name

Target.deactivateFinal name

Full Usage: Target.deactivateFinal name

    name : string - The target name

Deactivates the final target.

name : string

The target name

Target.description text

Full Usage: Target.description text

    text : string - The description of the next target

Sets the Description for the next target.

text : string

The description of the next target

Target.get name

Full Usage: Target.get name

    name : string

Returns: Target
name : string
Returns: Target

Target.getArguments ()

Full Usage: Target.getArguments ()

    () : unit

Returns: string[] option

Allows to retrieve the arguments passed into the current execution, when Target.run*withArguments overloads are used, see Targets with arguments

This function should be used at the start of your fake script Alternatively, you can use Target.initEnvironment() instead, Note: This function usually returns Some [||], it will return None when No actual execution was requested (for example because of --list), you shouldn't execute any side effects when None is returned (you should never execute side effects but you can use this flag to check if needed)

() : unit
Returns: string[] option

Target.initEnvironment ()

Full Usage: Target.initEnvironment ()

    () : unit

Allows to initialize the environment before defining targets

This function should be used at the start of your fake script see issues #2283 Alternatively, you can use Target.getArguments() instead

() : unit

Target.listAvailable ()

Full Usage: Target.listAvailable ()

    () : unit

List all targets available.

() : unit

Target.printDependencyGraph verbose target

Full Usage: Target.printDependencyGraph verbose target

    verbose : bool - Whether to print verbose output or not.
    target : string - The target for which the dependencies should be printed.

Writes a dependency graph.

verbose : bool

Whether to print verbose output or not.

target : string

The target for which the dependencies should be printed.

Target.raiseIfError context

Full Usage: Target.raiseIfError context


If `TargetContext option` is Some and has error, raise it as a BuildFailedException

context : OptionalTargetContext

The target context


Full Usage: Target.removeCollectStack

Returns: unit -> unit
Returns: unit -> unit


Full Usage: Target.removeLastDescription

Returns: unit -> unit
Returns: unit -> unit

Target.run parallelJobs targetName args

Full Usage: Target.run parallelJobs targetName args

    parallelJobs : int
    targetName : string - The target name
    args : string list - The arguments list

Runs a target and its dependencies

parallelJobs : int
targetName : string

The target name

args : string list

The arguments list

Target.runOrDefault defaultTarget

Full Usage: Target.runOrDefault defaultTarget

    defaultTarget : string

Runs the command given on the command line or the given target when no target is given

defaultTarget : string

Target.runOrDefaultWithArguments defaultTarget

Full Usage: Target.runOrDefaultWithArguments defaultTarget

    defaultTarget : string

Runs the command given on the command line or the given target when no target is given

defaultTarget : string

Target.runOrList ()

Full Usage: Target.runOrList ()

    () : unit

Runs the target given by the target parameter or lists the available targets

() : unit

Target.runSimple name args

Full Usage: Target.runSimple name args

    name : string - The final target name
    args : string list - The target arguments

Returns: TargetResult

This simply runs the function of a target without doing anything (like tracing, stop watching or adding it to the results at the end)

name : string

The final target name

args : string list

The target arguments

Returns: TargetResult

Target.runSimpleWithContext name ctx

Full Usage: Target.runSimpleWithContext name ctx

    name : string - The target name
    ctx : TargetContext - The context object

Returns: TargetResult

This simply runs the function of a target without doing anything (like tracing, stop watching or adding it to the results at the end)

name : string

The target name

ctx : TargetContext

The context object

Returns: TargetResult


Full Usage: Target.setCollectStack

Returns: bool -> unit
Returns: bool -> unit


Full Usage: Target.setLastDescription

Returns: string -> unit
Returns: string -> unit


Full Usage: Target.setPrintStackTraceOnError

Returns: bool -> unit
Returns: bool -> unit

Target.updateBuildStatus context

Full Usage: Target.updateBuildStatus context


Updates build status based on OptionalTargetContext Will not update status if OptionalTargetContext is MaybeSet with value None

context : OptionalTargetContext

The target context