FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE

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Shell Type

Allows to exec shell operations synchronously and asynchronously.

Static members

Static member Description

Shell.AsyncExec(cmd, ?args, ?dir)

Full Usage: Shell.AsyncExec(cmd, ?args, ?dir)

    cmd : string - The command which should be run in elevated context.
    ?args : string - The process arguments (optional).
    ?dir : string

Returns: int

Runs the given process asynchronously.

cmd : string

The command which should be run in elevated context.

?args : string

The process arguments (optional).

?dir : string
Returns: int

Shell.Exec(cmd, ?args, ?dir)

Full Usage: Shell.Exec(cmd, ?args, ?dir)

    cmd : string - The command which should be run in elevated context.
    ?args : string - The process arguments (optional).
    ?dir : string

Returns: int

Runs the given process, waits for it's completion and returns the exit code.

cmd : string

The command which should be run in elevated context.

?args : string

The process arguments (optional).

?dir : string
Returns: int