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FakeVar Module

This module contains helpers for managing build time variables

Functions and values

Function or value Description

FakeVar.define name

Full Usage: FakeVar.define name

    name : string - The name of the FakeVar

Returns: (unit -> 'a option) * (unit -> unit) * ('a -> unit)

Define a named FakeVar providing the get, remove and set And of the functions will fail if there is no context

name : string

The name of the FakeVar

Returns: (unit -> 'a option) * (unit -> unit) * ('a -> unit)

FakeVar.defineAllowNoContext name

Full Usage: FakeVar.defineAllowNoContext name

    name : string - The name of the FakeVar

Returns: (unit -> 'a option) * (unit -> unit) * ('a -> unit)

Define a named FakeVar providing the get, remove and set Will use a local variable if there is no context

name : string

The name of the FakeVar

Returns: (unit -> 'a option) * (unit -> unit) * ('a -> unit)

FakeVar.defineOrNone name

Full Usage: FakeVar.defineOrNone name

    name : string - The name of the FakeVar

Returns: (unit -> 'a option) * (unit -> unit) * ('a -> unit)

Define a named FakeVar providing the get, remove and set Will always return 'None' when no context is set and 'throw' on set

name : string

The name of the FakeVar

Returns: (unit -> 'a option) * (unit -> unit) * ('a -> unit)

FakeVar.get name

Full Usage: FakeVar.get name

    name : string - The name of the FakeVar

Returns: 'a option

Gets a strongly typed FakeVar by name returning an option type

name : string

The name of the FakeVar

Returns: 'a option

FakeVar.getOrDefault name defaultValue

Full Usage: FakeVar.getOrDefault name defaultValue

    name : string - The name of the FakeVar
    defaultValue : 'a - The default value to return if variable is not found

Returns: 'a

Gets a strongly typed FakeVar by name will return default value if variable is not found

name : string

The name of the FakeVar

defaultValue : 'a

The default value to return if variable is not found

Returns: 'a

FakeVar.getOrFail name

Full Usage: FakeVar.getOrFail name

    name : string - The name of the FakeVar

Returns: 'a

Gets a strongly typed FakeVar by name will fail if variable is not found

name : string

The name of the FakeVar

Returns: 'a

FakeVar.remove name

Full Usage: FakeVar.remove name

    name : string - The name of the FakeVar

Removes a FakeVar by name

name : string

The name of the FakeVar

FakeVar.set name v

Full Usage: FakeVar.set name v

    name : string - The name of the FakeVar
    v : 'a - The value of the FakeVar

Sets value of a FakeVar

name : string

The name of the FakeVar

v : 'a

The value of the FakeVar