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Changelog Module

Contains helpers which allow to parse Change log text files. These files have to be in a format as described on keepachangelog

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ## [0.1.0] - 2020-03-17 First release ### Added - This release already has lots of features [0.1.0]: https://github.com/user/MyCoolNewLib.git/releases/tag/v0.1.0


 let changelogFile = "CHANGELOG.md"
     let newVersion = "1.0.0"

     Target.create "AssemblyInfo" (fun _ ->
         let changelog = changeLogFile |> Changelog.load
         CreateFSharpAssemblyInfo "src/Common/AssemblyInfo.fs"
           [ Attribute.Title project
             Attribute.Product project
             Attribute.Description summary
             Attribute.Version changelog.LatestEntry.AssemblyVersion
             Attribute.FileVersion changelog.LatestEntry.AssemblyVersion]

     Target.create "Promote Unreleased to new version" (fun _ ->
         let newChangelog =
             |> ChangeLog.load
             |> ChangeLog.promoteUnreleased newVersion
             |> ChangeLog.save changelogFile


Type Description


Type of change on log entry


Holds cleared and original text versions of log entry


Holds data for a changelog file, which include changelog entries an other metadata


The changelog entry info


Holds data for an unreleased changelog entry type

Functions and values

Function or value Description

Changelog.create description unreleased entries

Full Usage: Changelog.create description unreleased entries

    description : string option - the descriptive text for changelog
    unreleased : Unreleased option - the unreleased list of changelog entries
    entries : ChangelogEntry list - the list of changelog entries

Returns: Changelog

Create a changelog with given data

description : string option

the descriptive text for changelog

unreleased : Unreleased option

the unreleased list of changelog entries

entries : ChangelogEntry list

the list of changelog entries

Returns: Changelog

Changelog.createWithCustomHeader header description unreleased entries

Full Usage: Changelog.createWithCustomHeader header description unreleased entries

    header : string - the custom header value for changelog
    description : string option - the descriptive text for changelog
    unreleased : Unreleased option - the unreleased list of changelog entries
    entries : ChangelogEntry list - the list of changelog entries

Returns: Changelog

Create a changelog with given custom header value

header : string

the custom header value for changelog

description : string option

the descriptive text for changelog

unreleased : Unreleased option

the unreleased list of changelog entries

entries : ChangelogEntry list

the list of changelog entries

Returns: Changelog

Changelog.fromEntries entries

Full Usage: Changelog.fromEntries entries

Returns: Changelog

Create a changelog with given entries and default values for other data including header and description.

entries : ChangelogEntry list

the list of changelog entries

Returns: Changelog

Changelog.load filename

Full Usage: Changelog.load filename

    filename : string - Changelog text file name

Returns: Changelog The loaded changelog (or throws an exception, if the changelog could not be parsed)

Parses a Changelog text file and returns the latest changelog.

filename : string

Changelog text file name

Returns: Changelog

The loaded changelog (or throws an exception, if the changelog could not be parsed)

Changelog.parse data

Full Usage: Changelog.parse data

    data : seq<string> - change log text

Returns: Changelog

Parses a change log text and returns the change log.

data : seq<string>

change log text

Returns: Changelog

Changelog.parseVersions line

Full Usage: Changelog.parseVersions line

    line : string - The changelog line to parse version from

Returns: Match * Match

Parse versions in changelog file

line : string

The changelog line to parse version from

Returns: Match * Match

Changelog.promoteUnreleased version changelog

Full Usage: Changelog.promoteUnreleased version changelog

    version : string - The version (in NuGet-Version format, e.g. 3.13.4-alpha1.212
    changelog : Changelog - The changelog to promote

Returns: Changelog The promoted changelog

Promotes the Unreleased section of a changelog to a new changelog entry with the given version

version : string

The version (in NuGet-Version format, e.g. 3.13.4-alpha1.212

changelog : Changelog

The changelog to promote

Returns: Changelog

The promoted changelog

Changelog.save filename changelog

Full Usage: Changelog.save filename changelog

    filename : string - Changelog text file name
    changelog : Changelog - the changelog data

Saves a Changelog to a text file.

filename : string

Changelog text file name

changelog : Changelog

the changelog data