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GitHub Module

Contains tasks to interact with GitHub releases


         Target.create "GitHubRelease" (fun _ ->
            let token =
                match Environment.environVarOrDefault "github_token" "" with
                | s when not (System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace s) -> s
                | _ -> failwith "please set the github_token environment variable to a github personal access token with repro access."

            let files =
                runtimes @ [ "portable"; "packages" ]
                |> List.map (fun n -> sprintf "release/dotnetcore/Fake.netcore/fake-dotnetcore-%s.zip" n)

            GitHub.createClientWithToken token
            |> GitHub.draftNewRelease gitOwner gitName release.NugetVersion (release.SemVer.PreRelease <> None) release.Notes
            |> GitHub.uploadFiles files
            |> GitHub.publishDraft
            |> Async.RunSynchronously)


Type Description


The release creation parameters


The release parameters

Functions and values

Function or value Description

GitHub.createClient user password

Full Usage: GitHub.createClient user password

    user : string - The user name
    password : string - The user password

Returns: Async<GitHubClient>

Creates a GitHub API v3 client using the specified credentials

user : string

The user name

password : string

The user password

Returns: Async<GitHubClient>

GitHub.createClientWithToken token

Full Usage: GitHub.createClientWithToken token

    token : string - The authentication token

Returns: Async<GitHubClient>

Creates a GitHub API v3 client using the specified token

token : string

The authentication token

Returns: Async<GitHubClient>

GitHub.createGHEClient url user password

Full Usage: GitHub.createGHEClient url user password

    url : string
    user : string - The user name
    password : string - The user password

Returns: Async<GitHubClient>

Creates a GitHub API v3 client to GitHub Enterprise server at the specified url using the specified credentials

url : string
user : string

The user name

password : string

The user password

Returns: Async<GitHubClient>

GitHub.createGHEClientWithToken url token

Full Usage: GitHub.createGHEClientWithToken url token

    url : string - The GitHub enterprise server URL
    token : string - The authentication token

Returns: Async<GitHubClient>

Creates a GitHub API v3 client to GitHub Enterprise server at the specified url using the specified token

url : string

The GitHub enterprise server URL

token : string

The authentication token

Returns: Async<GitHubClient>

GitHub.createPullRequest owner repoName pullRequest client

Full Usage: GitHub.createPullRequest owner repoName pullRequest client

    owner : string - The owner of the repository - GitHub handle
    repoName : string - The repository name
    pullRequest : NewPullRequest - The pull request information, including source and destination branches
    client : Async<GitHubClient> - The GitHub client to use for communication

Returns: Async<Async<PullRequest>>

Create a pull request on the specified repository.

owner : string

The owner of the repository - GitHub handle

repoName : string

The repository name

pullRequest : NewPullRequest

The pull request information, including source and destination branches

client : Async<GitHubClient>

The GitHub client to use for communication

Returns: Async<Async<PullRequest>>

 let pullRequest = new PullRequest("Bump FAKE runner version", "version-branch", "master")

 GitHub.createClientWithToken token
 |> GitHub.createPullRequest "fsprojects" "fake" pullRequest
 |> Async.RunSynchronously

GitHub.createRelease owner repoName tagName setParams client

Full Usage: GitHub.createRelease owner repoName tagName setParams client

    owner : string - The repository's owner
    repoName : string - The repository's name
    tagName : string - The name of the tag to use for this release
    setParams : CreateReleaseParams -> CreateReleaseParams - Function used to override the default release parameters
    client : Async<GitHubClient> - GitHub API v3 client

Returns: Async<Release>

Creates a GitHub Release for the specified repository and tag name

owner : string

The repository's owner

repoName : string

The repository's name

tagName : string

The name of the tag to use for this release

setParams : CreateReleaseParams -> CreateReleaseParams

Function used to override the default release parameters

client : Async<GitHubClient>

GitHub API v3 client

Returns: Async<Release>

GitHub.downloadAsset id destination release

Full Usage: GitHub.downloadAsset id destination release

    id : int - The id of the asset to download
    destination : string - The download destination
    release : Async<Release> - The release to act upon

Returns: Async<unit>

Downloads the asset with the specified id to the specified destination

id : int

The id of the asset to download

destination : string

The download destination

release : Async<Release>

The release to act upon

Returns: Async<unit>

GitHub.downloadAssets destination release

Full Usage: GitHub.downloadAssets destination release

    destination : string - The download destination
    release : Async<Release> - The release to act upon

Returns: Async<unit>

Downloads all assets for the specified release to the specified destination

destination : string

The download destination

release : Async<Release>

The release to act upon

Returns: Async<unit>

GitHub.draftNewRelease owner repoName tagName prerelease notes client

Full Usage: GitHub.draftNewRelease owner repoName tagName prerelease notes client

    owner : string - The repository's owner
    repoName : string - The repository's name
    tagName : string - The name of the tag to use for this release
    prerelease : bool - Indicates whether the release will be created as a prerelease
    notes : seq<string> - Collection of release notes that will be inserted into the body of the release
    client : Async<GitHubClient> - GitHub API v3 client

Returns: Async<Release>

Creates a draft GitHub Release for the specified repository and tag name

owner : string

The repository's owner

repoName : string

The repository's name

tagName : string

The name of the tag to use for this release

prerelease : bool

Indicates whether the release will be created as a prerelease

notes : seq<string>

Collection of release notes that will be inserted into the body of the release

client : Async<GitHubClient>

GitHub API v3 client

Returns: Async<Release>

GitHub.getLastRelease owner repoName client

Full Usage: GitHub.getLastRelease owner repoName client

    owner : string - The owner of the repository - GitHub handle
    repoName : string - The repository name
    client : Async<GitHubClient> - The GitHub client to use for communication

Returns: Async<Release>

Gets the latest release for the specified repository

owner : string

The owner of the repository - GitHub handle

repoName : string

The repository name

client : Async<GitHubClient>

The GitHub client to use for communication

Returns: Async<Release>

GitHub.getReleaseByTag owner repoName tagName client

Full Usage: GitHub.getReleaseByTag owner repoName tagName client

    owner : string - The owner of the repository - GitHub handle
    repoName : string - The repository name
    tagName : string - The tag to retrieve release for
    client : Async<GitHubClient> - The GitHub client to use for communication

Returns: Async<Release>

Gets release with the specified tag for the specified repository

owner : string

The owner of the repository - GitHub handle

repoName : string

The repository name

tagName : string

The tag to retrieve release for

client : Async<GitHubClient>

The GitHub client to use for communication

Returns: Async<Release>

GitHub.publishDraft release

Full Usage: GitHub.publishDraft release

Returns: Async<unit>

Publishes the specified release by removing its draft status

release : Async<Release>

The release to publish

Returns: Async<unit>

GitHub.uploadFile fileName release

Full Usage: GitHub.uploadFile fileName release

    fileName : string - The name of the file to upload
    release : Async<Release> - The release to create

Returns: Async<Release>

Uploads and attaches the specified file to the specified release

fileName : string

The name of the file to upload

release : Async<Release>

The release to create

Returns: Async<Release>

GitHub.uploadFiles fileNames release

Full Usage: GitHub.uploadFiles fileNames release

    fileNames : seq<string> - The list of files names to upload
    release : Async<Release> - The release to create

Returns: Async<Release>

Uploads and attaches the specified files to the specified release

fileNames : seq<string>

The list of files names to upload

release : Async<Release>

The release to create

Returns: Async<Release>