FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE
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Fake Template

The Fake template bootstraps FAKE and sets up a basic build-script.



dotnet new -i "fake-template::*"

to install or update the template.


After you have installed the template you can setup FAKE by running:

dotnet new fake

This will create a default build.fsx file and two shell scripts fake.sh and fake.cmd. The shell scripts are used to bootstrap and run FAKE. All of the arguments are passed directly to FAKE so you can run:

.\fake.cmd build

to run your build. Have a look at the fake commandline for the available command-line options. For additional information on how to use a build script, checkout the getting started page.



Specifies the name of the generated build-script. Defaults to build.fsx.


Specifies your preferred way to bootstrap FAKE.


Specifies your preferred way to define the nuget packages used in your build:


Specifies your preferred way to define build tasks inside your build script:


Specifies the folder for the fake-cli tool. This parameter is only applicable when tool option is used for bootstrapping with --bootstrap. Defaults to .fake.


Specifies the version of FAKE to install. Defaults to 5.*. This parameter is only applicable when either local or tool is used for bootstrapping.