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Sending Notifications to a Slack Webhook

In this article you will learn how to create a Slack webhook integration and send a notification to it. This article assumes that you already have a Slack team setup.

To see the available Slack APIs in FAKE, please see the API-Reference for the Slack module.

Adding a Webhook Integration to a Channel

Follow the instructions for setting up an incoming webhook integration. When finished, you should have a Webhook URL that looks like "https://hooks.slack.com/services/some/random/text".

Sending a Notification to the Webhook

The following sample target uses the created webhook from Slack and configure the message that will be displayed in Slack:

open Fake.Api

// The webhook URL from the integration you set up
let webhookUrl = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/some/random/text"

Slack.sendNotification webhookUrl (fun p ->
    {p with
        Text = "My Slack Notification!\n<https://google.com|Click Here>!"
        Channel = "@SomeoneImportant"
		Username = "My Slack User"
        IconEmoji = ":ghost:"
        Attachments = [| 
            {Slack.NotificationAttachmentDefaults with
                Fallback = "Attachment Plain"
                Text = "Attachment Rich"
                Pretext = "Attachment Pretext"
                Color = "danger"
                Fields = [|
                    {Slack.NotificationAttachmentFieldDefaults with
                        Title = "Field Title 1"
                        Value = "Field Value 2"}
                    {Slack.NotificationAttachmentFieldDefaults with
                        Title = "Field Title 1"
                        Value = "Field Value 2"}|]
            {Slack.NotificationAttachmentDefaults with
                Fallback = "Attachment 2 Plain"
                Text = "Attachment 2 Rich"
                Pretext = "Attachment 2 Pretext"
                Color = "#FFCCDD"
|> printfn "Result: %s"

The result should look something like this:

alt text

For additional information on the parameters, check out Slack's Webhook Documentation