FAKE - F# Make - A DSL for build tasks and more FAKE
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Lookig for older versions of the documentation, pre FAKE v6? See 



This module is a fork from https://github.com/docopt/docopt.fs/ but with strong ordering. The strong ordering enables you to have a nice CLI on your script or to write your own fake 5 and above modules with a CLI.

Example script.fsx:

#r "paket:
nuget Fake.Core.CommandLineParsing

open Fake.Core

let cli = """
usage: prog [options]

 -a        Add
 -r        Remote
 -m <msg>  Message

// retrieve the fake 5 and above context information
let ctx = Context.forceFakeContext ()
// get the arguments
let args = ctx.Arguments
let parser = Docopt(cli)
let parsedArguments = parser.Parse(args)

if DocoptResult.hasFlag "-a" parsedArguments then
    printfn "Got -a"

match DocoptResult.tryGetArgument "-m" results with
| None -> printfn "Printing generic message"
| Some arg -> printfn "%s" arg

Note the following links are permalinks to old commits. They are intended only as examples. You are encouraged to look at the current version too, because it's likely to have been updated.

A more sophisticated example can be found in the fake runner: src/app/Fake.netcore/Program.fs#L204-L259

Or the target module:

You can also take a look at the test-suite:

Differences to the python reference Docopt implementation

Note that --foo has no argument because it was not specified in the options section!

In this scenario prog --foo 10 is parsed as --foo and NAME argument because that is the only option. However prog --foo=10 is parsed as NAME argument without any --foo option. Usually to prefer --foo you should put it first in the usage string:

usage: prog (--foo NAME | NAME)

options: --foo

However, in this particular case it doesn't make any difference (as the options section is missing to indicate that --foo has an argument).